Male to Female Sexual Reassingment Surgery In Bangkok Thailand that offer excellent results. Surgery cost for SRS Male to Female starts from: Standard technique cost - 282,000 Thai baht package price Skin Graft Technique cost -332,000 Thai baht package price Colon Vaginoplasty cost -352,000 Thai baht package price Colon Vaginoplasty laparoscopic - 502,000 Thai baht package price Additional cost if your BMI exceeds normal level: BMI 24-28 : Plus 30,000 Thai baht , BMI 28-32 : Plus 80,000Thai baht. 📣 !!!BOOK NOW!!! 📣 ‼️ Save your Date TODAY ‼️ 📩 Contact us in our message inbox or Give us a Call # topplasticsurgeryclinicinbangkokthailand # Safe # PlasticSurgery Our location: ✈️ Bangkok, Thailand ⏱ Open Monday-Friday 9am-5pm line id: @456osqns Hotline #:(+66) 928524224 📩 #mtfthailand #srsmtfthailand #maletofemalethailand #male...